Take away boxes

Our bio disposable take away boxes are made of strong and durable material, to ensure that your dish made with love is served to your customer hot and in an environmentally-friendly way. By using natural materials from renewable sources, our take away boxes are completely biodegradable and have no negative impact on the environment.

Bio Disposable Take Away Boxes

Sometimes it is easier to have everything in one piece: no separate containers and lids, but something that you just fold and close. That is what our bio disposable take away boxes do. They are stackable and foldable, which is useful for the fast chefs among us who want to quickly give out their dishes.

Our Natural Ware brand creates the sustainable boxes in such a way that with one fold or click the container is closed and can go. They are therefore perfect for "doggy bags", noodles, or any other quick snack.

The 100% natural materials make an environmentally-friendly product that can be thrown away without a feeling of guilt. On top of this, no unpleasant aftertaste will find its way into your dish because PLA and bagasse ensure that sauces and dressings are preserved well in the container.

If you are looking for the perfect combination of bio disposable containers, we have a special set available. For more precise advice, don't hesitate to contact us!