
All disposable tableware offered on is compostable and/or biodegradable, made from natural residual materials or circular materials. No chemicals or toxins are added during the production process, resulting in a 100% biodegradable and/or compostable product. For more information about each material please click on the material you are interested in and learn more.

Let’s break it down!


The term “biodegradable” refers to the ability of materials to break down and return to nature. In order for packaging products or materials to qualify as biodegradable, they must completely break down and decompose into natural elements within a short time after disposal - typically a year or less. The ability to biodegrade reduces the buildup of waste, contributing to a safer, cleaner and healthier environment.


Composting is nature's own way of recycling: various microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, break down organic matter into simpler substances turning organic waste (i.e. food, manure, leaves, paper, crop residue etc.) into a valuable organic fertilizer.

Why plastic is bad

Plastic never ceases to exist

Plastic is a durable material made to last forever, yet 33 percent of it is used once and then discarded. Plastic cannot biodegrade; it degrades, breaking down into smaller and smaller pieces.
Plastic piles up in the environment
The average EU citizen created 31kg of plastic packaging waste in 2015, according to Eurostat figures. Only a very small percentage gets recycled, the rest ends up in landfills, becomes 'litter', and a portion is incinerated, causing harmful gasses to be released in the air.

Plastic spoils our groundwater
There are tens of thousands of landfills across the globe. Buried in each one of them, plastic leakage full of toxic chemicals seeps into the groundwater and flows into lakes and rivers.
Plastic poisons our food chain
Even plankton, the tiniest creatures in our oceans, are eating microplastics and absorbing their toxins. As plankton is eaten by bigger fish (that we eat), these microplastics and toxins move their way up in the food chain and end up on our plates.

Plastic affects human health
Research links the chemicals that enter our bodies our food to cancers, birth defects, impaired immunity, endocrine disruption and other ailments.

Plastic threatens wildlife
Animals getting stuck in plastic, eating plastic and living in an environment surrounded by plastic, it’s not a rare sight. In our oceans alone, plastic debris outweighs zooplankton by a ratio of 36-to-1.

For more in-depth information about these facts, please visit Plastic Pollution Coalition